Always listening

Passionate about stakeholder satisfaction.

Going above and beyond to meet stakeholder requirements.

Planning things out ...

Architecting scalable, resilient cloud solutions be that microservices, public RESTful APIs, asynchronous messaging/event-driven systems to traditional MVC/MVVM fronted by the latest Javascript frameworks.

And learning new ingredients that might be needed.

Getting down to the nitty-gritty...

The Acronym Fest:
C#, Asp.Net Core, .Net Core/Standard, SQL Server, Web API, REST, AppService, Functions, Durable Functions, Entity Functions, CosmosDB, Azure Storage, Azure Redis cache, Service Bus, Azure DevOps, Azure Pipelines, KeyVault, microservices, resilience in distributed systems/the cloud, RabbitMQ, Polly, Entity Framework, NPoco, MongoDB, RavenDB, Bootstrap, CSS, AJAX, Vue.js, Angular, JQuery, WPF/XAML, XML, XSLT, UAT, TDD, Moq, NUnit, XUnit, Fluent Assertions, Git, dependency injection/IoC, SAML/SSO, Fluent Migrator, Kentico CMS, Bitbucket, Screaming Frog, Slack, Typescript, Python, Jira.
All backed by strong Object Oriented design skills.

Getting things done ...

Programming, Database, Soft Skills, and Project Management

Get in touch

Full CV available to interested parties; or call 443-567-4046 to talk.